About us
WE think of something
Our AIKIDO is based on the SEISHINKAI Aikido of Thorsten Schoo and lives from a clear and stable base, from flowing, dynamic movements, from the feeling of contact to the training partner and from flexible footwork – without losing sight of the aspect of self-defense and fighting.
We offer classes for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced martial artists.
In AIKIDO one learns to find ways to meet an attack without violence, that is, without answering like with like. You don’t meet an attacker head-on, you don’t try to “go through the wall” with your head and thus further fuel the conflict. One always strives to direct the aggressive energies that rush at us in such a way that no one, neither attacker nor defender, comes to harm. Thus, AIKIDO can be translated as a way (DO) to balance (harmonize, AI) the energies (KI) that we encounter.
Valuable experience for all
Many exciting experiences await you: a better attitude – internally & externally; more confidence in yourself and in your abilities; better fitness, more well-being and balance as well as better stress management, just to name a few.
No matter if you are a beginner, advanced, athletically gifted or rather immobile – we will find ways for you to make these experiences on your Aikido way.
Our team
With heart and experience.